Assembly line

Assembly line - Sophisti­cated Manu­facturing from a Single Source

An assembly line plays a central role in the industrial automated production of components. The scope of an assembly line includes the automatic and semi-automatic assembly of mass-produced and large-scale production items. This specialized equipment specific to the product is used for the entirety of the processes involved in assembling individual components into a finished end product.

With Probotec, you can rely on comprehensive expertise in the field of assembly technology. Benefit from simple solutions of high-quality assembly lines for various applications in the manufacturing industry. As professionals in automation tasks, we provide you with the highest level of know-how and transparent consultation at eye level. What sets us apart is that we offer you the complete package – from the concept development of the assembly line to individual process steps and the takeover of the entire production.


Efficient assembly lines for precise product assembly

State-of-the-art assembly lines specifically designed for product assembly offer you customized turnkey solutions and precise manufacturing. Qualified specialists tailor each process to your needs. The type of manufacturing determines whether an assembly line is used at the end of individual subprocesses or at the end of the overall process.

The work steps can be divided into four main areas:

Adhesive bonding

In addition, we offer customer-specific conditioning and packaging according to individual customer requirements.

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Then please feel free to contact us – we will be happy to assist you in word and deed.

These advantages are combined in our assembly lines.

Assembly lines - What Variants Are There?

Different assembly systems are optimized for different requirements. With Probotec, the entire product life cycle can be represented. Starting from the product launch with a hybrid or manual system. During the launch, the degree of automation can be increased. Manual workstations can be set up to be used even with later automation, saving money, time, and being proven effective.

The following variants are differentiated:

A hybrid assembly line has a low degree of automation. The use of employees is variable. It is a flexible and cost-effective solution to partially or fully automate assembly processes.
A manual assembly line is ideal when the product has high variation, but the production quantities are low.
When different product variants need to be produced in small to medium quantities, the flexible assembly line is used. The freely programmable industrial robot allows for the seamless handling of different processes. Flexible assembly lines can be combined with the automated variant to create a direct connection between multiple assembly cells.
For automated assembly of technical products in large quantities, automated assembly lines are used. These are particularly suitable for mass-produced products that are produced over an extended period, especially when only a few or no variations are needed. Our cam-controlled systems assemble up to 250 million parts per year with 100% inline inspection.

Probotec Assembly lines - The Key Component for Excellent Product Assembly

Are you looking for reliable experts and the right solution for your industry? Then you’ve come to the right place. By integrating automated functions, versatility, precision, and flexibility, we enable our customers to achieve optimal assembly efficiency and high product quality.

Our partner company for mechanical engineering, Contexo-Automation, is the cornerstone of Probotec. If you want to operate an assembly line yourself, you can get it precisely from there. When it comes to a complete package, Probotec comes into play. Bonus: If production is placed with us for several years, we cover the costs of the assembly line and account for it through the part price.